My question is about the brake pads. I am going to get the new rotors, calipers and carriers off a b7 S4. I have lined up the s4 calipers and have not noticed ANY difference between both of them A4vS4. So why are the brake pads different on websites?
If I install the s4 rotors should I be running s4 brake pads or stick with my A4 ones (stupid question, I know). I would just be using the carriers and retaining my stock calipers. What would this mean?
Are the internals of the s4 calipers different than the a4 caliper? I assume they are the same...but not certain. Can anyone help answer some of my questions..
Its almost time to get new rotors and pads, just want to pick up the right ones for the front if I go s4 upgrade.
Main question is, is running s4 brake pads going to make my car brake faster??
