3 months ago, I´ve installed a cone air filter, connected my MAF and everything else...worked nice like for 2 weeks, when I decided to install again the OEM air filter...in that moment...seems like I fckd up my MAF...so searched for a new one, but they didn´t had any...so I went to a local store, and bought an used one...the last letter didn´t matched but it worked fine.
Ok...since then the car has worked perfectly...til monday...when it started like kicking when I gave it some gas...didn´t pay too much attention...yesterday...I couldn´t even pass over 2k rpm´s cause it started stumbling...feels like if the engine had no strength or something...
So...the problem is...that the car works perfecty on idle...it doesn´t stumbles or hesitates...
I checked all the hoses and everything to see if there was something loose or detached but no luck...
Suddenly I remembered that I filled up gas on friday when I was almost empty (drove like 20 miles on E) (car remained on the garage til sunday).
Cleaned up my sparkplugs thinking that might be the problem...but no luck either...
I checked all of the valves, and they seem to work just fine. I even bought an inyection cleaner aditive...and poured it on the remaining gas I have...but still no results...
So...what could it be? could it be my MAF again? how can I test it? (I dont have any VAG COM or some...and already took it to the stealership to check...but it didn´t threw any code of that...)
Can I disconnect my MAF and drive the car around to see if that´s the problem? some friend told me that I might break the engine if I try to drive it w/o MAF...

P.S. sorry...forgot to tell...I have a 2001.5 A4 1.8T (APU) TIP, bonestock...