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  1. #1
    Established Member Two Rings FIRE's Avatar
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    - Stumbling mode - HELP

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    Well...I checked and searched everything related with my a4´s symptoms...but nothing seems to work...

    3 months ago, I´ve installed a cone air filter, connected my MAF and everything else...worked nice like for 2 weeks, when I decided to install again the OEM air that moment...seems like I fckd up my searched for a new one, but they didn´t had I went to a local store, and bought an used one...the last letter didn´t matched but it worked fine.

    Ok...since then the car has worked perfectly...til monday...when it started like kicking when I gave it some gas...didn´t pay too much attention...yesterday...I couldn´t even pass over 2k rpm´s cause it started stumbling...feels like if the engine had no strength or something...

    So...the problem is...that the car works perfecty on doesn´t stumbles or hesitates...

    I checked all the hoses and everything to see if there was something loose or detached but no luck...

    Suddenly I remembered that I filled up gas on friday when I was almost empty (drove like 20 miles on E) (car remained on the garage til sunday).

    Cleaned up my sparkplugs thinking that might be the problem...but no luck either...

    I checked all of the valves, and they seem to work just fine. I even bought an inyection cleaner aditive...and poured it on the remaining gas I have...but still no results...

    So...what could it be? could it be my MAF again? how can I test it? (I dont have any VAG COM or some...and already took it to the stealership to check...but it didn´t threw any code of that...)

    Can I disconnect my MAF and drive the car around to see if that´s the problem? some friend told me that I might break the engine if I try to drive it w/o MAF...

    please help!

    P.S. sorry...forgot to tell...I have a 2001.5 A4 1.8T (APU) TIP, bonestock...
    Last edited by FIRE; 05-07-2008 at 02:09 PM.
    Streetracers...we know streets better than the bitch on the corner

  2. #2
    Established Member Two Rings bbkid43's Avatar
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    Re: - Stumbling mode - HELP

    you engine will not break when driving with a faulty maf. in the 2001's, there is a map sensor that will compensate so it doesnt matter if you unplug the maf. have you tried checking the dv or the connections around it?

  3. #3
    Established Member Two Rings FIRE's Avatar
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    AZ Member #
    Guatemala, C.A.

    Re: - Stumbling mode - HELP

    Quote Originally Posted by bbkid43 View Post
    you engine will not break when driving with a faulty maf. in the 2001's, there is a map sensor that will compensate so it doesnt matter if you unplug the maf. have you tried checking the dv or the connections around it?
    I did checked the dv..but everything seems ok...

    I was checking out right now...and it seems like some oil (i guess?) got out outta nowhere...and its making some smoke behind my cat...could it be that the o2 sensor is not working? or that my cat is just clugged, carbonized or something?

    Last edited by FIRE; 05-08-2008 at 02:39 AM.
    Streetracers...we know streets better than the bitch on the corner


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