Subject says it all. It stopped actually playing CD's yesterday. It still recognizes the discs, tracks, etc., but I get no audio. The SD cards work, and the DVD unit works.
So instead of making 2 trips to Leith in Cary NC, which they require, and I can't just send in the unit (nor will they order a replacement prior to me coming there--horse shit, btw), I want to just replace this piece of shit with a hard drive unit.
Has anyone done this and succesfully hooked it up to the oem RNS-E nav unit in a B7? One of the units that people were replacing the CD changer with (can't recall the name) is no longer produced. PhatBox maybe? Something like that.
Just curious if anyone has done this succesfully and how the interface works (hopefully w/o the file limitations that the SD cards have).