Well after some issues getting VISTA and Vag-com to work, I finally did. I really wish my girl would hurry and get her ass back here from Italy with my other laptop. Was able to do a few things to the 4.2 I have wanted to do. Switched the TIP code to 00032 and it fixed my issues with the tranny. No more funky shifting under 35mph. Adjusted my HID's up some. I adjusted them to the level I had my B5 ecodes at. WOW, what an improvement. Finally did the window down/up with the remote feature. Not really a needed thing, but I was messing with the stuff anyway.
Just went out for a nice drive and man, the car feels so much better. From just driving casually from a stop light to hammering it on the highway. It feels like it should have I guess. The HID's aren't Ecodes(yet), but a major improvement in distance. Just thought I would share.