Well guys i finally fixed my annoying sunroof rattle, and a few other things, but i got a few more things that are killing me!!!!
1.) When i turn on my A/C i have both sides set to 68 degrees, mind u it's over 90 out, and when its on full blast the passenger side vent in the center and near the door give out hot air, both are set to the same temp, and i've tried setting the right one to a lower temp no use! temp sensor??
2.) i have a custom exhaust, and every time i come to a stop i hear the metallic bing noise constantly at a stop, not normal like when u shut the car off, i mean like when i come to a stop light i hear it!
3.) I have this surging issue and it's driving me nuts, my boost sometimes feels as if it's not there! I've changed my N75, MAF, Injectors, u name it!!! I changed y 710N DV last week!!! Last time i took it to my Audi tech he said that ur boost doesn't feel like it's always there because he thinks the o2 sensors are shot! is this right???
4.) i need a tan armrest cover, and a battery cover!
5.) i just changed to an optima red top battery, and now every freakin time i start my car after it sits for a few hours my average fuel consumption thing resets itself and this gets annoying! anyone know what it is, feels like i fried the hard drive!
6.) My alarm doesn't beep anymore when i lock it, and when i push the panic button all that happens is the lights flash no sound!
7.)my sunroof when tilted open whistles seems normal, but it's pretty annoying, and even when it's closed it whistles a bit!
8.) my average VAC pressure is 18 is that normal for APR 1+??
TIA everyone!