The piston sizes of the ST40's MADE FOR B5 TQM is a 32mm/38mm.
these custom one-off ST40's I was sold are 32mm/36mm. Both Zeckhausen and Stoptech agree that the difference in rear bias caused by this minute difference, would probably never be noticable to anyone but a professional driver running the same car/same conditions and comparing calipers back to back. Basically, they are saying none of us would ever be able to tell the difference. What makes this increasingly difficult, is that this is an "H" cut caliper, meaning that it is cut for 328-345mm rotors which are 28mm thick. These would be ideally suited for someone who is a SERIOUS track driver running a lightened car (is it even realistic to shed 300 lbs
???) One technical support person began a rhetoric about the thinner 28mm rotors insofar as they would not "absorb" heat as well as the thicker rotors, due to the decrease in MASS of course, however the 28mm rotors are much LIGHTER, and will cool off faster than the more massive thicknesses. true or not? I have no idea, it sounds feasible enough.
I have continued to kindly and politely try to get William Bruner of Fairfax, VA AZ member "wwb4" to return my calls/PM's and or emails. I even left a message telling him that I could understand why at this point, he might feel uncomfortable picking up the phone and talking to me, however I promised not to "reach through the phone line and bite.." I finished by adding that I would at least appreciate if he'd tell me where HE got these from, so I might contact this person (Stoptech is interested to know why these are in the hands of the General Public as well...)
I have had no choice but to get Paypal and the Authorities involved, as there has DEFINITELY been Fraud, and misrepresentation. and it is apparent that this con man has made off with my money, with no intent of ever making this right.
Paypal was extremely supportive and reassured, that they have many ways with which to deal with these types of situations.
They also told me that Virginia has some of the toughest penalties for Internet related Fraud Crimes and Civil Actions, and that the current trends in Virginia include stiff penalties as that State has been "making examples out of wrong-doers, when it comes to internet related scams and cons"
Does anyone here know "wwb4"
He claims to be an auto broker specializing in Unique/Specialty/hard to find High Line Automobiles. I sincerely doubt this, but if ANYONE would refer any information about this guy, I'd be forever grateful.