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  1. #1
    Registered Member One Ring
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    BAD need of hep....odd ball ecu!!!

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    Ok I have drove myself CRAZY trying to find a solution to this problem.I have a 2000 a4 1.8t tip ecu code is a q box.....I am having a engine replacement done right now and am doing a turbo upgrade done at the same time.My problem is I it seems NO ONE supports my ecu code.I have a k04 that I just sent off for a total rebuild,but I also have my eye on a gt2x kit that had a mika tuned ecu with it but it is a p box.Will someone PLEASE throw me a bone.....I am in trouble here and just don't want to get into a nightmare deal.

  2. #2
    Veteran Member Four Rings aytheory's Avatar
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    Re: BAD need of hep....odd ball ecu!!!

    seems like you just need a DBW box which are 00+ ecus. 99.5 and under are all ndbw ecu which you cannot use.

    what do you mean no one supports my ecu code - there are plenty of tuners that have tunes out for DBW - im not too sure but if you bought it from someone - and their car was a nDBW then you are out of luck cause it won't work on your car. If you bought it from ATP they should have made sure you got the right one depending on the year of your car.

  3. #3
    Registered Member One Ring
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    Re: BAD need of hep....odd ball ecu!!!

    What I mean is when I tell awe,giac,or atp....they tell me I'm out of luck just as soon as I say I have a 018q ecu box. giac(awe or the local dealer) tells me they have no file for my car that is for a 018q box with a k04 or the gt2x. it seems all this would go away if I had a p box

  4. #4

    Re: BAD need of hep....odd ball ecu!!!

    018p is a 5spd quattro ecu.

    not really sure what you are asking though. are you asking if anyone knows of a tuner that will tune an 018q ?
    contact via email please.

  5. #5
    Veteran Member Three Rings
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    Re: BAD need of hep....odd ball ecu!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by brian17218 View Post
    What I mean is when I tell awe,giac,or atp....they tell me I'm out of luck just as soon as I say I have a 018q ecu box. giac(awe or the local dealer) tells me they have no file for my car that is for a 018q box with a k04 or the gt2x. it seems all this would go away if I had a p box
    MTM sells the chip for the k04 and the 018q ecu. I have it and it is a great file. As far as the P box, I was never able to get my car to run with the 018P installed despite the claims of someone else on this forum that it would work.
    2014 A4Q Red w/ black optic black interior

  6. #6

    Re: BAD need of hep....odd ball ecu!!!

    ^ i dont think its possible to code an 018p to a tip car and vice versa. i dont think it has the maps. i think we tried coding a passat tip atw ecu to my car and it didnt work.
    contact via email please.

  7. #7
    Veteran Member Three Rings
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    Re: BAD need of hep....odd ball ecu!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by k0mpresd View Post
    ^ i dont think its possible to code an 018p to a tip car and vice versa. i dont think it has the maps. i think we tried coding a passat tip atw ecu to my car and it didnt work.
    It is not, someone else a few years ago insisted the P would work, I bought one and tried, I wasted $$ because of that. I was pi$$ed on that one. I was just making the comment to save him the hassle and to not even bother looking at the P box.
    2014 A4Q Red w/ black optic black interior


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