Hi Guys,
Complete noob here...just hoping you guys can help me narrow down what the problem might be:
I have a A4 B6 1.9TDi (the 130 one) with around 78000 on the clock
Now when I start it, the car has a slight shake when idle. Its not steady, but more like a pulsing shake...car becomes steady and then shakes again - this happens in a cycle of around 5-6 seconds between shakes. Its very slight but very annoying.
It happens wether the car is hot or cold...doesn't seem to make any difference. I've changed the air filter, timing belt was done not so long ago but apart from that i'm outta ideas...
Someone mentioned it may be the glow plugs, but 1 - can't actually find where they go (removed top cover and just have no clue) and 2 - thought that if the issue remains after the car is fully warmed up, it normally isnt plugs.
All help appreciated.