also - i'm not looking for b5 avus, b6 sports, etc... looking for something aftermarket (but not ASA's and other pep boys crap like that..)
anyways, the two things i've come up with so far are:
17x8 rota torques in steel grey, weighing in at around 18.6lbs each, and 750/set
and 16x7 BBS RS gold w/polished lip, weighing in at somewhere between 15 and 17lbs, and hopefully (if the guy takes my offer and will work with me on it) i can get within my budget too...

i'm definitely leaning towards the RS's if i can get them... but i wanted to get a few second opinions. (and yes - i CAN go low enough to pull off 16's)
p.s. - if anyone has anything they're selling, or knows of anything that fits my criteria post it up, i'm open to new suggestions... but i'm pulling the trigger on something within the next week or so.