I have been on this board for a few weeks and I was waiting to get some where it was worth taking photos of the car. I just got back from a trip to Montana and took some photos today on the way back to Idaho where I am hanging out now for a while.
My Audi is a 2006 A4 Quattro triptronic aka Tro and it had 22K on it when I bought it from the dealer in Palo Alto a month ago. It has been an amazing car, showing itself very capable on snow/ice/rain and all of the above. Being in Montana allowed me to test Tro's higher end abilities out and it is scaringly smooth at faster paces. Going from a Toyota Tacoma to my A4 is night and day, I miss a couple of things about the truck, but there are not many.
Here are some photos from my journey and the car...some suck and some aren't so bad. I will get more artistic down the road. I just wish it didn't take so damn long to get license plates in California!!!!! Hell, I may be moved out of the State before I ever get them!