In contrast, I've found it to be much easier to remove the caliper brackets, not the caliper off the pins.
IMO if I were in your shoes i'd use a angled drill to drill the bolt from the backside. Once pressure is removed you can pull the threaded end out easily, or drill through it and use an extractor. There is not locktite on that bolt so it should come out easily when the tension is removed.
These 8mm bolts should not have stripped. In the future make sure the allen key (it should be socketed) is all the way in by hitting it with some instrument of persuasion before you attempt to turn it. 99% of the time an allen strips it's b/c the key is not fully engaged and you round out the top of the bolt.
Also, in my experience it works better to heat the bolt itself, not the metal around it, but either can work. The idea is just to get one hot and the other less hot, thermal expansion breaks the corrosion and then you back it out right away.
Good luck, that's a PITA