So my turbos are going out, and I now have to decide my tolerance (read $$$) for an upgrade. My gut tells me to just save a little bit for a K04 kit with inlets and be content with Stage 3-. But what about just spending the extra $3,000 and getting the basic kit from AWE? I think manifolds are overkill.
I did a number of searches and saw all sorts of posts about K04s with stock fueling, and the available kits from Jeremy at Matrix, Avalon, ECS Tuning, etc. Look like right around $2,500 for K04s with the inlets.
Part of me thinks, if I am going to keep the car, just get the full kit!
2000 Sedan | Quattro | 6 speed manual | 00 RSK04 Turbo/Fueling Kit WITHOUT Manifolds | $5,750.00