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  1. #1
    Senior Member Three Rings
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    question about the clutch

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    im tryign to figure out if my clutch is almost done. it grabs pretty high but when trying to start in 3rd gear it still moves could my clutch be on its way out or should i not worry about it ? thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Senior Member Three Rings
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    Re: question about the clutch

    ost b5's catch high. if its not sliping and still pulls off the line in 3rd your probably fine

  3. #3
    Veteran Member Four Rings djwimbo's Avatar
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    Re: question about the clutch

    The way our master cylinders are designed they'll always catch high. My band new SPEC catches high.

    If you lug it in 4th/5th and it doesn't slip you're fine, or if you boost it w/o pulling the tires and don't notive any wierd revs. Your clutch is fine.
    "Thank god I had my body, because it felt so good."

  4. #4
    Senior Member Three Rings
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    Re: question about the clutch

    oh ok ill try it in 4/5 gear this time 3rd gear was no slipage at all thanks guys!

  5. #5
    Account Terminated Four Rings mike-2ptzero's Avatar
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    Re: question about the clutch

    Quote Originally Posted by djwimbo View Post
    The way our master cylinders are designed they'll always catch high. My band new SPEC catches high.

    If you lug it in 4th/5th and it doesn't slip you're fine, or if you boost it w/o pulling the tires and don't notive any wierd revs. Your clutch is fine.
    Doesn't have anything to do with the master cylinder, plenty of other clutch kits catch mid way or at the bottom. It just depends on how they are designed and how much pedal pressure is needed to release the disk from the flywheel/pressure plate surface. My custom WOA catches low-mid and so do the SB kits I have driven.

  6. #6
    Senior Member Three Rings
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    Re: question about the clutch

    IMO easiest way to test if a clutch is on it's way out. Get into 5th gear on an open road at normal cruising speeds, then floor it allowing you to reach peak levels of boost (if you're a 1.8T). This will put the most load on the engine and drive train, if the clutch holds fine then you have no issues, if it slips it's probably on it's way out.
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