weather cleared up and finally got a chance to get under the car to service the dv.
was a pretty easy job, remove, unscrew, clean, replace, relube and reinstall.
while i was at it, i finally stopped putting it off and replaced some vac lines.
so far just the dv line and the fpr line.
maneuvering my way under the intake manifold was a bit of a pain but finally got it with the help of some needlenose pliers (after 15mins of trying to contort my arm in impossible ways).
ziptied it all up, did an oil change for good measure and i was off.
feels like a new car, i guess i never realized how much power i was losing before.
dont know if it was the dv or the vac lines that were bad before, probably both.
the dv was definitely fluttering and the old vac lines came off pretty easy i.e. broke off/disintegrated when i pulled on em.
silicone vac lines + serviced and resprung dv = 50more hp on the butt dyno.