My A6 2.7t Tip has been stg 3- (K04s, downpipes, intercoolers - no fueling) for 40k miles. Tranny mods are a GIAC Tip chip and an L10 TC w/2250 stall speed. The tranny has not given me any problems to date. The car sees occasional track days, but I don't do any hard launches or have any desire to take it to the strip.
I'm adding fueling and bumping up the boost next week. Power/torque is likely to be in the 400/400 range. So, my question(s) is this:
What does an upgraded VB do for me? What options are there? In talking with L10 in the past, it seemed that they couldn't/wouldn't tell me what they actually do. I understand keeping trade secrets, but responding that "its better" isn't exactly confidence inspiring. What I don't want is a tranny that feels harsher, clunks loudly into gear, jolts, jumps, etc.
Any insight is appreciated