I guess it's about time I post this here (or whatever section it belongs in).
In about 3 weeks I will be embarking on my annual drive back home. This year I'm planning on stretching it out more than usual.
Right now the route looks as follows:
Leave Bozeman, MT -->
Portland (Brewery Touring and such)
Bodega Bay, CA (Shoot of "The Birds") [via US 101)
San Francisco
Las Vegas
Tijuana (probably going to be too far out of the way)
Grand Canyon
El Paso
San Antonio
New Orleans
Charlotte via Tail of the Dragon
It would be cool to meet up some B5er on the way.
If anyone has as suggested places to visit/roads to take, throw them out there!!
Also, seeing how gas keeping rising I'll most likely be looking for couches to crash on. And lets hope there wont be any need for emergency ing along the way.
Just over 6000 miles of tarmac
Check out the route here: http://tinyurl.com/3pv3g2