(posted in the a4 forum as well, not tying to spam)

Hey all,

This is my first post, I apologize in advance if I'm covering anything thats been covered or if my problem is blatantly obvious. Now with that out of the way, I'll explain my situation.

I own a 2000 Audi TT, 180 FWD, ATC

This whole mess started when I set out to replace a broken breather tube When I tried to remove the tube, it broke into a few pieces, leaving some stuck in the filter housing. It was going to be impossible to remove the broken tube with the intake manifold still in place.

I carefully removed the intake manifold according to the Bently instructions. First unbolting the fuel rail, the air intake and all the necessary electrical connectors. As soon as it was removed I plugged the holed with shop towels to keep debris out of them.

Now that the mani was off, I removed the broken breather tube and also looked down into the assembly to see that nothing had fallen in. (I didn't see anything) I connected the new tube. Reattached the manifold, using a new gasket, and carefully criss-cross torqued the bolts. I reattached everything and here is where my world got rocked.

I turned the key and when the engine began to crank I heard a reasonably loud metal on metal scratching sound coming from the engine. I immediately shut it off, it only ran for maybe 5-10 seconds. When I looked at my engine I saw a small wisp of smoke coming from around the timing belt. (which I never touched)

So... I know I must have screwed up badly, but I can't figure out how. I put everything back together as it was when i took it apart.. Any ideas would help so much, as I right now I feel like throwing up.

Located in Memphis, TN. anybody nearby who can help would be my hero.