I have a 2003 A4 Avant with Tiptronic and a 3.0 motor. Ever since I got the car it dogs the engine when in drive. It runs right through the gears as fast as it can and tries to keep the engine reving around 1250 RPM most of the time. It drives fine in Sport mode although it won't shift into 5th gear in "S". I recently had my entire trans, torque converter and valve body rebuilt at Level10. The trans is much more positive but still drives like s#!t in "D". I am not getting any trans codes though. I've even tinkered with the trans parameters using VAG-COM with some improvement in down shifting, but that's about the extent of it. Has anyone had a similar situation? I'd like to try a new TCU but that's big bucks. Unfortunately there is no Tip Chip for the B6's.
