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Hoping to avoid the ctfa response; was back and forth with PMs with another newcomer to world of 2.7s. He doing chip mod, me having gotten one with purchase. We know DVs needed, presumably some hoses and piggie pipes (gutted) to take advantage of chip.
SO...Question is: where do we get biggest bang for buck on utilizing the extra power generated, ensuring it gets to the rubber? Exhaust (2.5 or 3 and what else), intakes, throttle body boots, engine mounts, "tipchips", etc.?
Exhaust will get yuo just a few ponies and little more... maybe sound depending on which one.
Intake, assuming you're talking about CAI, is a waste fo $$$. skip that
TBB is a MUST but expect no power inicrease, just reliability, the OEM one is a POS
Mounts: no power incraese, but less rocking under load, more direct power transfer
tip chip: the one I got from VAST made a big difference for the $. I would recommend it.
as fo power the biggest gains are CHIP, then Piggies.... after that spend $$ for stage 3