Removal was easy enough.
1) Unscrew the shifter knob.
2) Remove the shifter surround/panel: Simply pull up from the back of the panel through the shifter hole. Once the rear of the panel comes up, pull it towards you to free up the front of the panel and that's it.
Mine had a pretty ratty finish. I used my thumbnail to remove most of the old rubberized paint from the panel. I then used 600 grit sand paper (available at most auto parts stores) to sand off the residual rubberized paint and ensure the panel was smooth.
I then used soap and water to remove any dirt from the panel. I was careful after rinsing it to ensure I didn't touch the "upper" exposed side so that I didnt get any body oils on it which could stop the paint from sticking properly.
I then donned latex gloves and used basic 3M blue painters tape around the shifter hole. I also taped a "handle' to make it easier to hold it when wet.

I then proceeded to apply 4 light coats of Performix Plasti Dip black rubberized spray paint ($8 at a local hardware store or check out
I then let it dry overnight starting with an hour under a pair of 500W halogen work lights.
Here's a pic of the results.
