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To those of you who haven't gotten the email Driving Safety Foundation - USA will be hosting a demo day this Saturday at Shoreline Park. Take the Shoreline exit off HWY 101 and head toward the Amphitheatre, follow the bright orange balloons and cones into the event lot.
Shoreline Park
3070 North Shoreline Boulevard
Mountain View, California 94043
Saturday, April 26, 2008
9:00am to 4:00pm
We are offering 90 minute in vehicle demonstrations, we are also asking $79 to cover our time, expenses, and instruction. You will learn:
* The "10 Model Driving Habits"
* Targeting and zone control
* Entering and exiting curves, turns, and roundabouts with changing radii
* Lane-positioning
* Controlling a secondary skid
* Initiating and recovering from evasive maneuvers
and most importantly -
Transferring learned driver skills from parking lot to real roads! This course is proven to reduce risk of teen crashes by over 50%!
If you or someone you know is interested please rsvp and register thru the DSF-USA Website, please arrive 30 minutes prior to your scheduled time, and spectators are always welcome.
Those of you who were unable to make the last Demo, we're inviting you back this Saturday, and to those of you who can not make this Demo but are interested please register for our newsletter through our website, or post your contact information below and we will add it.
Let us know if you have any questions or concerns prior to Saturday and as always suggestions are always welcome.
We wish to see you out there!
Driving Safety Foundation - USA
DSF Demo Registration
Pictures from our last Shoreline event
