I watched Mark Reynolds go down at the bottom of the sea otter classic downhill course. Unfortunately he went down the wrong way in the wrong spot about 75 yards from the finish line and suffered head and neck injuries. After nearly half an hour of CPR he was taken away with a flat ECG leaving the handful of spectators in shock. Those of you who are bikers may know him as the guy behind Wicked Racin who frequented local spots where everyone enjoyed his company. He was always one of the "old" guys who would come to Cali and show the young ones how to clear the jumps on a full suspension. Here's the news article:
Sometimes we put our gear on and head out feeling very safe. Mark's full face was cracked in half, his SC VpFree looked pristine, and none of his pad's helped him in a fairly mild spot of the run so remember to stay alert and focused because our reflexes in dangerous situations will help more than our gear.