No better way to ruin a golf game on a beautiful Saturday afternoon than to pull in and park only to hear one of the most dreaded noises in all of automobiledom. Crunch! Scrape! BAM! KAPLOWEE! Like some kind of bad comic strip, all of those noises emminated from the front of my car. So I promtly stop moving forward, pop her in neutral, pull the parking break and get out to take a look. "#$^@ *&%# @!$%!!!" Very gentleman like, perfect for a golf course. I check to see if lifting the bumper slightly would allow me to back out sans damage, no luck. So I get the dreaded honor of having to back up and hear even more noises. Get out, assess the damage, and get tempted to leave right away. Or say lots more bad words. Pictures are worth a thousand words. Before ya'll start blaming me for pulling up too far, I have driven many a E55, notorious for having ridiculously low front splitters/air dams. I know a couple of people who ditched their CLS/E55s because of that. Happened too often. So this curb was exceptionally high (believe me, I took an actual measurement of it and compared with normal wheel stops). Then compared with the Corolla and Camry on either side of me (amazing how many Toyotas are out there these days), both of which were pulled up further than I had without damage. I know they're both slightly higher, but the front bumpers appeared to be virtually identical. I am sitting on standard sport suspension. So about 2" back from the front of the splitter, without warning, the whole thing slants and provides potential nasty situations.
On to the pics... Will this be repairable or do I need a new bumper?