Ok I'll make this brief and to the point.
- Started the car in the morning (started up and ran fine)
- Turned the car off
- Let the radio play
- Radio somewhat killed the battery
- I tried to start it anyway and the car just cranked and cranked
- Tried to jump start the car (battery was pretty low) DIDN'T work .. car just kept cranking and feeding fuel
- I removed the plugs to dry them of fuel and tried to start again.. same deal.
- Replaced all the plugs and let the car sit to dry out the chamber of any fuel.

DIDN'T work...

***** in the midst of trying to start the car the battery again got very low*****

- Charged the battery over night
- Cranked the car in the morning....nothing

Ok.. it's obvious that it's not the battery now. I'm not getting any spark and haven't been able to get a volt reading from the harness going to the coilpacks. I'm not sure if my multimeter is fubar'd or what but there's a 0.0 reading.

I DON'T HAVE VAG-COM and am in an area where no one is close enough to help me out. I'm stuck doing this the old school way.

What I need is some suggestions from you fellas. If the coil pack isn't getting power would that mean the ECM is bad? Is there a relay that controls the ignition? If so.. which one is it?

I'm trying to rule out everything while I wait for my new coilpack to show up (next week).

It's just odd to me that a coilpack would simply die out. I didn't have a rough idle or sputter while driving nor do i have a CEL!!

any help would be appreciated