This is quick write up not 100% in details, but something you can try it you have time to do it.
It will be at your own responsibility to do so I'll not be responsible if you couldn't fix it or any damage happen.
if you have electrical shop around you, you can do this and get your LCD reglue so your LCD display will work again.
I did the tear down but I haven't have LCD reglued yet.
there is instruction somewhere in audiworld, and since didn't have pic so I took few pics while I was tearing it a part.
I'm gonna skip the part of taking gauge out of the car.
this is the back of gauge
you need to take out the screw on the 2 black casing, and there are some screws on the main black casing.
this is how it' looks like after you take the covers off.
then there are few nails that are holds the back case still,
then after that taking metal case on front which holds the LCD.
from the back, there is 2 nails that you have to be very careful to move and pop the casing out from front.
you will see that on top one that you need needle plyer to move the nail to open. bottom one should come out after take the top one out.
then you will be able to lift LCD.
I was able to fix it partially by adding rubber lines on both side of the LCD so that lcd push against the cable firmly.
then putting back is reverse order.
and don't turn the engine on without gauges inside..