A few of us have done this so don't be shy about asking questions. You'll need gaskets and tools and whatnot too. Total cost can be around 550-600 if you use a tool loaner program and do the work yourself.
The 'while you're in there' stuff varies depending on who is doing the work. I port matched the throttle body, intake manifold, and head intake ports, changed the oil pump, engine mounts, timing belt, water pump, PCV stuff, o-rings, etc.. My total was a little higher but still under a grand with Scats, new rings and bearings, the stuff above, and cleaned up stock AEB pistons.
You'll need something that cleans oil easily but is safe on aluminum and some scotchbrite scratchy pads. The idea is to get all the crap off without removing any aluminum. I soaked mine in Oil Eater and it did the trick. Dish detergent would probably be good too. Be careful not to wear the coating off the skirts.
They come out of the engine looking like they've been soaked in coffee for years.
They clean up to look like this.
