I'm looking to get a newer Audi. I was really considering a B5 s4, however after much research it just doesn't seem to be conducive to keeping some money in my pocket. I'm good with a wrench(mechanic background( did all the work on my B5 A4, New clutch, suspension, cv boot etc.) but i see having a B5 S4 as doing a lot of work. I seriously had a nightmare last night about doing turbo changes. I guess i'm getting older and don't want to be fixing to much stuff. Also i see the cost steep to repair not that Audis are cheap to maintain. All in all i see 2 turbos as more stuff that malfuction and/or break.
So to B6/B7 S4 guys what is the car like and how much modding can't i do? Why do you guy suggest CPO?