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One of the buyers just responded my email with this...
What do you guys think?
What do we think? It's more like what do you think? Stop wasting everyone's time with this straight out of the Nigerian Scam Manual con. This is textbook Nigerian Scam. If you can't see that, then you're really naive and need to get on their stupid, can never get off of, Nigerian email list. I only say this because I have been a member for over 10 years and it's driving me f'in nuts.
I always knew it was a scam so I wanted to pull some money out of their pockets. What better way to bring a con man down than make him put money into his own scam. So yea, they sent me a check, that I was supposed to cash, via FEDEX next day (est $23) and when I received it, I called the Secret Service. They told me that these guys are too hard to catch and that I should probably just toss the check into the trash.
End result, Con man is out $23 bucks and I'm on a nigerian mailing list, that is probably getting sold 10 times a day. F those guys. Everytime you answer one of their pitches, they realize that the email address has someone on the other end. They now take that legit email address and sell it 10 times over to other con men who need addresses. You my friend, are now screwed for life. Jump aboard my boat, your email life is over.