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because you're not gaining any space by removing those bolts. If you remove those 16mm bolts and pull the control arm mount down, you are compressing the spring downwards. leaving those bolts on keeps the strut assembly supported up. With the 13s loose you still have plenty of side to side wiggle to get the lower mount up and over. If you can't get it just wait for a buddy to help or just take a long break. Usually when you come back to it, it is easier.
I gotta disagree from my own experience. You still get the side to side movement when you remove all the upper bolts/nuts. You can push down on the lower control arm, once all those bolts are out, the whole housing flops kind of sideways, giving you room to pull up and it will come out over the control arm. I had to do this when I couldn't get my pinch bolts out.