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    which spark plug suit for chiped 1.8T 97 AEB engine?

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    just want to ask a quick question. which spark plug would be good for chiped 1.8 T 97 AEB. i did some research and it shows copper is better than others. is that truth? what brands do you guys use? please give me the brand and model number for me to do further research.


  2. #2
    Veteran Member Four Rings D's Avant's Avatar
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    Re: which spark plug suit for chiped 1.8T 97 AEB engine?

    On mine ('99 APR 1.0 bar) I run BKR7E's (cooler heat range than the stock plug) in summer gapped at .028, and BKE6E's (stock heat range) gapped at .028 during winter. Good plug for turbo's, however they need to be changed more often. I change them at the same time I do an oil change.
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  3. #3
    Veteran Member Four Rings djwimbo's Avatar
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    Re: which spark plug suit for chiped 1.8T 97 AEB engine?

    Quote Originally Posted by D's Avant View Post
    On mine ('99 APR 1.0 bar) I run BKR7E's (cooler heat range than the stock plug) in summer gapped at .028, and BKE6E's (stock heat range) gapped at .028 during winter. Good plug for turbo's, however they need to be changed more often. I change them at the same time I do an oil change.
    X2 .028" Gap. Check your plugs at every oil change and re-gap them, you don't have to replace them. As in any plug only replace them if they're worn or fouled. Every oil change just gets expensive. Keep a spare set of 4 plugs w/ you if you're going out of town, but you don't have to worry too much about them.

    I've pulled mine at least twice since I got chipped and haven't had any issues.
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    Veteran Member Four Rings Stampy's Avatar
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    Re: which spark plug suit for chiped 1.8T 97 AEB engine?

    7E's gapped to .028. No problems for me. Seems like it depends on the car sometimes though. I know a few people that have had really shitty luck with these plugs.
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  5. #5
    Active Member Two Rings Monk's Avatar
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    Re: which spark plug suit for chiped 1.8T 97 AEB engine?

    Quote Originally Posted by phd View Post
    which spark plug would be good for chiped 1.8 T 97 AEB. i did some research and it shows copper is better than others. is that truth? what brands do you guys use?
    For my old 'chipped' Ko3 setup = most plugs (stock heat range or 1 step colder) would do fine . ..even the infamous Denso Iridiums. Gap @ .028 like what the others advised.

    When I switched to a GTRS =
    *The Denso Iridiums would misfire like crazy throughout the rev. range
    (even when properly gapped). Copper is really the way to go.
    *So I tried the 3 electrode Bosch Supers that came with the GTRS kit. They worked fine until I upgraded to a Walbro pump. The Bosch's were dry-fouled within a few months.
    *Then I found a discontinued set of OE 3 electrode Beru Ultras in my toolbox. Big diff. No more misfires, much better pull, deeper exhaust note, etc. I also checked on them after a month of aggressive driving and they looked tip-top. The Beru's are igniting the mixture well.

    Clicky for current plug models =>Beru
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    Veteran Member Four Rings Burntaudi's Avatar
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    Re: which spark plug suit for chiped 1.8T 97 AEB engine?

    BKRE6E's 7E's are to cold for a chipped car in my experience.

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    Veteran Member Four Rings 94jedi's Avatar
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    Re: which spark plug suit for chiped 1.8T 97 AEB engine?

    I always had great results with BKR6e's gapped at .028 on a chipped k03 car.
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    Veteran Member Four Rings Militant-Grunt's Avatar
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    Re: which spark plug suit for chiped 1.8T 97 AEB engine?

    Quote Originally Posted by Burntaudi View Post
    BKRE6E's 7E's are to cold for a chipped car in my experience.
    +2 I would get misfires with 7E's, 6E's are your best bet.
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  9. #9
    Veteran Member Four Rings djwimbo's Avatar
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    Re: which spark plug suit for chiped 1.8T 97 AEB engine?

    Quote Originally Posted by Monk View Post
    . ..even the infamous Denso Iridiums. Gap @ .028 like what the others advised.
    NEVER and I mean NEVER RE-GAP Iridium spark plugs. They come pre-gapped for a reason. Any formal education in the automotive field should explain this in detail.
    Basically if you have to run a set gap for your application, use only the standard resistor type spark plug. This excludes platinum and Iridium spark plugs. If you understand what Iridium is and how expensive it is, you wouldn't risk re-gapping the plug b/c it's VERY easy to damage the iridium tipped electrodes.
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  10. #10
    Active Member Two Rings Monk's Avatar
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    Re: which spark plug suit for chiped 1.8T 97 AEB engine?

    Quote Originally Posted by djwimbo View Post
    NEVER and I mean NEVER RE-GAP Iridium spark plugs. They come pre-gapped for a reason. Any formal education in the automotive field should explain this in detail.
    Basically if you have to run a set gap for your application, use only the standard resistor type spark plug. This excludes platinum and Iridium spark plugs. If you understand what Iridium is and how expensive it is, you wouldn't risk re-gapping the plug b/c it's VERY easy to damage the iridium tipped electrodes.
    That's taking it a tad overboard. There is no reason for the tiny Iridium center electrode to get damaged if you're gentle with the feeler gauge. The Iridium center electrode is actually quite hard, and only improper gapping techniques or the use of the coin shaped gapping tool can damage it. I've re-gapped several Denso Iridiums & they still function properly as evident in the color pattern & carbon deposits when pulled out.

    Platinum plugs are a diff. story, since they only use a thin layer of platinum, which can be scraped-off. But I was referring to Iridiums in the first place.
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  11. #11
    Veteran Member Four Rings djwimbo's Avatar
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    Re: which spark plug suit for chiped 1.8T 97 AEB engine?

    agreed on the platinum.

    Apparently (upon further research) the only reason Irid. plugs aren't recommended to be gapped is b/c people are too much of idiots to do it right, so I'm sorry I was wrong. I never had to in the field b/c Toyota requires us not to even touch the electodes, etc. for parts warranty purposes.
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