I can say with more authority than I'd like that any locksmith worth his paycheck can open any car he has the tools and ability to read about.
These tools are sold in kits with instructions that make your yellow pages look thin. Every make, every model going back dozens of years. Pictures of the inside of the door, which specific tool to use, where to wedge the window, how to attack the specific make & model, be it in the door or under the glass to the inside buttons, everything.
The rather intellegent, money making ones don't need the books anymore, but the few times they do, they read up before leaving the shop, and make doubly sure the right tool is handy.
They pull up, get the releases, $ & ID signed and squared away, open your door, and usually less than five minutes later they leave, the job profitably and professionally complete.
On behalf of the Pro's, I apologize for the retards you were stuck with.
I will also say that being a good damn locksmith is a hell of a lotta fun. It was a great way to spend a decade of my life, till I started a rep agency and learned over the next decade how to starve like a real pro