So this morning on the freeway on the way to work, I felt a significant power loss. When I got off the freeway and got to a stop, the car was idling like shit. Shuddering and bopping around.
From everything I have read here, I assumed it was coilpacks. So, I got two new coilpacks from the dealer (Part# 06B-905-115-R). I went throught the replacment DIY from Audiworld, engine running (musical coilpacks) popped out the coilpacks one by one and with each one, the motor performance never significantly dropped.
Now, I removed each individually and replaced with the new one, starting the car after replacement, to see if I could find the culprit. A change in anyone of them did not make a difference. Is it possible that I blew 2 of them?
Lastly, popped out two at a time and replace them with new one. No difference.
The coilpacks I have in the car already are the "R" version which I understand are the newest and are more reliable that the originals.
I am at my wits end. Am I doing something wrong, or is something else wrong with the car?
Any help is appreciated.