Looking to pick up an RS4 intake manifold .. whose selling ?
bye bye AWE Stg 3+ and HeLLooOo ........
For Sale
- VAST Port & Polished Intake Manifold - BEST OFFER
- Stock B5 S4Pistons/Rods/Valves/Springs/Retainers/Cams 44k on them
- Two GT3076 Turbos
bye bye AWE Stg 3+ and HeLLooOo ........
For Sale
- VAST Port & Polished Intake Manifold - BEST OFFER
- Stock B5 S4Pistons/Rods/Valves/Springs/Retainers/Cams 44k on them
- Two GT3076 Turbos
'16 Mercedes-Benz C450 "AMG": Stage 2 w/downpipes & 19" BBS CH-R's
'88 Harley-Davidson Sporty 880: 1200 bottom - Ported & Cam'd top - S&S In - Screamin' Eagle Out
'02 Audi A4 1.8TQM: Full GT28RS on meth w/everything else.
'01.5 Audi A4 1.8TQMS: Tune and exhaust.
'99 Subaru Legacy Outback wagon Manual: Bone stock.
I don't even want to remember the others
bye bye AWE Stg 3+ and HeLLooOo ........
For Sale
- VAST Port & Polished Intake Manifold - BEST OFFER
- Stock B5 S4Pistons/Rods/Valves/Springs/Retainers/Cams 44k on them
- Two GT3076 Turbos
bye bye AWE Stg 3+ and HeLLooOo ........
For Sale
- VAST Port & Polished Intake Manifold - BEST OFFER
- Stock B5 S4Pistons/Rods/Valves/Springs/Retainers/Cams 44k on them
- Two GT3076 Turbos
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