Ok all you 1.8T wizards...I have an '04 A4 avant, 6 speed. In the winter when we have below freezing temps, the engine (when stone cold, left overnight) at initial start-up idles immediately at about 800 rpms (the already warmed-up idle), and does not do the standard 1200 rpm warm-up rpms dropping down to 800+/- after 1 1/2 minutes...after I've driven the car and then allowed it to get cold again (at work for instance), the engine idles properly at 1,200 then drops to 800 after the 1.5 minutes...the dealer has looked at it twice, has reproduced the problem but is unable to diagnose the problem. Of course, my warranty is up this month so I've contacted Audi to register my concern but darn it this is maddening...I've been unable to find anyone esle who has experienced this problem...anyone here had such an issue whit cold starts...I've run a 1.8T now for 8 years (3 vehicles) and this is the first car where the engive skips the prewarm 1,200 rpm thing...please help!
Thanks. Jim