Originally Posted by
doesn't AWE use a southbend clutch in their kit? and doesn't your current clutch have some kind of a warranty? seems like there's more to look at as well as a few phone calls that need to be made before you just go spend the $ on ANOTHER clutch. are you riding the clutch at all times while driving or what? unless it's a faulty product or you're terrible at driving a manual, this should not be happening.
don't be so quick to let people off of the hook.
Yes it is a southbend. I will look into warranties once I am sure what the issue is.
No one is off the hook. There will be phone calls made. I just can't have the car laid up for too long. So if it is the clutch I'm going to try to replace it and then deal with AWE at a later time. I do not ride the clutch, I haven't even launched it since i got it. I know this shouldn't be happening which is why I am pissed. One way or another it is going to get worked out.
I reiterate, this thread was to find out peoples opinions on different clutch options in case i needed to get a new one. So if any one has anything to tell me about the FE SS or the OFE or any other option there is, and where the best place to buy them is, it would be much appreciated.