Originally Posted by
It is impossible to even get a GTRS to 29psi and the turbo is most efficient at 22psi
who said anything about 29psi? or was that not directed at me?

Originally Posted by
The REVO 550cc file sets all readiness to pass as well. Besides, 630cc injectors are overkill for a turbo that will never flow enough to justify having them. I'm sure your idle is not as smooth either.
REVO definitely does NOT set them all to pass.... that's why everyone with REVO keeps trying to figure out what to do about their SAI.. if I'm wrong please show me some proof - because that would something really good to know, but I'm 100% sure that REVO only disables the readiness check for cat efficiency.
*edit* - i just noticed that you said the 550 file (i think i may be right about the 440 file...), is that something new for the new file? again, only doubting you because of what i've seen. If i'm wrong then more power to you/REVO.
Also, 630 is probably overkill for a GTRS (or any 28 series for that matter) - but it's better than having to buy new injectors again down the road, and nobody else has tried it.. so who's to say that it's any better or any worse? they wouldn't make the file if there wasn't a reason to, so I'm going to try it. If you have a problem with trying new things then by all means - stick to the bolt on kits that haven't made shit for power or run fast times. The B6 community needs things like this... We're all way too stuck in our ways (myself included until I ran into problems with my local revo dealer and made the decision to go with unitronics instead) to ever push the envelope with our cars, which is why the B5, VW, and even the B7 guys keep mopping the floor with us as far as speed is concerned.
And btw - I'm not claiming that I'm going to make an assload more power, the GTRS kinda runs outta steam where people have pushed it already. I'm saying that I think I can make that power faster, more efficiently, and for a longer period of time. Let's wait for the dyno and time slips before we all pass judgement. I may be horribly wrong, but we won't know until someone (me) tries.
I'll definitely report back with what i find out.
and in the mean time -- i've got some Delphi 440's and a SPS 3 FS.
