I'm running GIAC 1+ on my '04 manual quattro A4. Genesis 380cc, hitachi e coilpacks, BKR7EIX plugs, gapped to .028. I have to admit I haven't gotten around to getting myself a vag-com. No excuse, I know. I'm ordering the $20 cable and shareware today, meanwhile saving for the full version. But for now I have no way of getting feedback from the car.

Anyway, a couple months ago I mis-shifted and got a cel, took it to the dealer to read the codes, a couple cylinders had misfires. They cleared the codes and it hasn't happened again. But in the last couple weeks, I get some lurching/hesitation under high load, around 3200rpm. I don't really notice any rough idle, but I also have an aftermarket snub mount which adds some vibe, so it could be running slightly rougher than before and I might not be able to tell. I'm guessing I have a coilpack issue.

I can try one of the old cp's in different positions, or swap them all out and see if it makes a difference, but I have to drive it hard to see if the problem's still there, which I don't want to do. I could just order some R's and change them all, and see if that fixes it. I could take it to the dealer, or just wait for my $20 cable. Will the shareware vag tell me if I have a partially bad cp? As long as I don't get on it hard enough to make it lurch, I'm not doing any harm, correct?

Which of my options seems the least boneheaded to you guys?
