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    Senior Member Three Rings eliTTe's Avatar
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    Noises and spark plug questions.

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    Hey guys, I have some questions that I hope you can help me out with...

    1. I was under the impression that my car is chipped because of the 710n's and samco TBB, so when I changed the plugs last week I went with the one heat range colder NGK bkr7e plugs and gapped them to .028. This afternoon I threw a code for cylinder 6 missfire. Is it possible that the car has a stock ECU and the colder plugs caused the missfire?

    2. There is a creaking noise comming from the front pass. side area, I took the wheel off and everything looks fine yet I really don't know S4's very well. and I don't think its the sway bar bushing but its possible I guess.

    3. My third question is reguarding the horrible noise the car started making tonight on my way home. I was driving along when I started to hear this high pitched on and off sound(kinda like nails on a chalkboard) I was almost home and it started getting more constant, at one point it sounded like a cat and I thought oh god I've run over a cat and its stuck under the car [O_O].
    As I started to pullover it became a solid scraping sound, it sounded like I was dragging a sheet of tin under the car. I was basically infront of my house at this point but stopped in the middle of the road anyway to get out and look, but there was nothing under the car. I got back in the car and just coasted in netural down the hill to my driveway as it made the noise all the way.
    I'm scared to death it could be a turbo, but its dark and raining now so I can't go look at it tonight. any thoughts on this would be great, thanks guys!
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  2. #2
    Veteran Member Three Rings kingofqueenz788's Avatar
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    Re: Noises and spark plug questions.

    make sure axles are tight. Look at break pads check if they all have meet on them. check if wheels are tight. then do a leak down test maby its a pinhole in a rubber tube and is making a high pitched sound. if that doesnt solve anything ide say wheel berring
    Last edited by kingofqueenz788; 04-03-2008 at 07:06 PM. Reason: if that doesnt solve anything ide say wheel berring

  3. #3
    Active Member Four Rings Jung's Avatar
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    Re: Noises and spark plug questions.

    I think wheel bearing could be an explanation for one of those.
    So you don't know if your car is chipped? go take a gander at the ECU, and if you see a APR/GIAC/revo sticker on it, you'll know. 710n's and a samco don't necessarily mean it's chippd. they're just replacement parts of other parts that tend to die rather easily. I ran a stock TBB and 710A's when I got chpped for about 1 month. a boost gauge would be a surefire indicator as to whether or not it is.
    Our stock sparkplugs are in a fine heatrange as is for having a chipped car. yours would probably be good for a stage III car running higher boost
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  4. #4
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    Re: Noises and spark plug questions.

    1) Yes. You need stock plugs for anything up to stage 3.

    2) Get under the car and tug on various things, including the sway bar. If there is play in the bushings, then they should be replaced. That should be done with the suspension loaded up (the wheels on the ground or on ramps)

    3) Could be a pebble in your brakes. Get under there and check for things that look like they're rubbing. If you see nothing, take both front wheels off for a better view.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Three Rings eliTTe's Avatar
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    Re: Noises and spark plug questions.

    thanks for the replys, I don't really think it could be a hose just because it really sounds like metal on metal contact, and I guess it could be a wheel bearing but wouldn't that be more of a long term growing problem? this was instant and all happened within 1 mile.

    as far as the ECU, I did look at it and saw no stickers, took it apart and looked all stock but that doesn't mean it wasn't flashed. The car is just so fast and I can't see how it's not chipped, it could easilly walk all over my significantly modded TT. It could be stock but its awfully fast for a 250hp 3700 or so lb. car.
    Then: 1985 Audi coupe GT, 1990 Audi 90 sport, 2000 Audi S4 stage 2+, 2002 Audi TT 225.
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  6. #6
    Veteran Member Four Rings
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    Re: Noises and spark plug questions.

    BTW, kingofqueen, it's called a boost leak test. A leak down test is something totally different used to test the condition of the engine.

    I doubt it's a WB. Get a boost gauge or VAG the car and log block 115 and you'll know if it's chipped or not.

  7. #7
    Senior Member Three Rings eliTTe's Avatar
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    Re: Noises and spark plug questions.

    cool, I'll VAG it tomorrow... a rock in the brakes sounds very possible, I didn't even think about that. thanks!
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  8. #8
    Veteran Member Four Rings RolledMySTi's Avatar
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    Re: Noises and spark plug questions.

    1. Stock plugs are fine. You need to get a boost gauge so you know if you are chipped and more importantly to track down future vacuum leaks.

    2. Don't forget to check you tie rods. They are a common thing to go out.

    3. Sounds like it could be the turbo lady. Hopefully only a pebble in the brake though.
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  9. #9
    Veteran Member Three Rings Jsmooth65's Avatar
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    Re: Noises and spark plug questions.

    Burned out prop shaft CV's sound similar to your third problem. If you want to make sure, raise the car and lay underneath it while someone spins one of the back wheels and listen.
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  10. #10
    Senior Member Three Rings eliTTe's Avatar
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    Re: Noises and spark plug questions.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jsmooth65 View Post
    Burned out prop shaft CV's sound similar to your third problem. If you want to make sure, raise the car and lay underneath it while someone spins one of the back wheels and listen.
    never heard of this, hmm. does all 4 wheels need to be off the ground to try this? I checked out the under side this morning and don't see a thing, everything is tight as can be and the brakes showed no scratches that would indicate a rock had been stuck in the pad. I drove it to get some lunch and couldn't get it to make the noise until I was at the drive-thru, this time it almost made a pop sound then the horrible screech.

    I use to work beside a steel yard and this noise sounds just like the trains did when they would pull in and hit the brakes.
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  11. #11
    Veteran Member Three Rings Jsmooth65's Avatar
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    Re: Noises and spark plug questions.

    I'm pretty sure all four wheels, but I may be wrong. Try jacking up the rear (no ramps, cuz the wheels have to spin), and see if they spin. Otherwise, its all 4.

    Mine made some freaky noises when it went out. Sounded crunchy, rattley, clankey, all of the above. Totally repeatable when I put the car on jacks and spun the wheels fast. If it sounds ok down there, cross one thing off the list I guess.

    Noises from these cars typically come from 1 (or more) of the 10 CV joints, 1 (or more) of the 4 wheel bearings, and support bushings (driveshaft support bearing, rear diff support, etc). If your car has >100k miles, prepare for all of these things to start making funny sounds.
    2004 Audi A4 Sedan, Auto, Black, 1.8T Beater
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  12. #12
    Senior Member Three Rings eliTTe's Avatar
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    Re: Noises and spark plug questions.

    Thanks a lot for the help, I'll go from here...
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  13. #13
    Active Member Four Rings Jung's Avatar
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    Re: Noises and spark plug questions.

    if your rear is in the air, put hte car in gear and let go of the parking brake. if your front is in the air, engage the parking brake and take it out of gear. if you're on jackstands, disengage both
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  14. #14
    Veteran Member Four Rings
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    Re: Noises and spark plug questions.

    Just put wedges in front of the front wheels, jack up the back, take it out of gear and release the e-brake. Rear wheels should spin.

  15. #15
    Veteran Member Four Rings
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    Re: Noises and spark plug questions.

    Quote Originally Posted by RolledMySTi View Post
    1. Stock plugs are fine. You need to get a boost gauge so you know if you are chipped and more importantly to track down future vacuum leaks.

    2. Don't forget to check you tie rods. They are a common thing to go out.

    3. Sounds like it could be the turbo lady. Hopefully only a pebble in the brake though.
    Sorry man, but I have to say that I cringed when I read this post.

    1. A boost gauge DOESN'T reveal boost leaks with any sort of reliability. That's a fallacy that far too many people believe.

    3. It's not the turbo lady if the car is squealing while idling.


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