Hey guys, I have some questions that I hope you can help me out with...
1. I was under the impression that my car is chipped because of the 710n's and samco TBB, so when I changed the plugs last week I went with the one heat range colder NGK bkr7e plugs and gapped them to .028. This afternoon I threw a code for cylinder 6 missfire. Is it possible that the car has a stock ECU and the colder plugs caused the missfire?
2. There is a creaking noise comming from the front pass. side area, I took the wheel off and everything looks fine yet I really don't know S4's very well. and I don't think its the sway bar bushing but its possible I guess.
3. My third question is reguarding the horrible noise the car started making tonight on my way home. I was driving along when I started to hear this high pitched on and off sound(kinda like nails on a chalkboard) I was almost home and it started getting more constant, at one point it sounded like a cat and I thought oh god I've run over a cat and its stuck under the car [O_O].
As I started to pullover it became a solid scraping sound, it sounded like I was dragging a sheet of tin under the car. I was basically infront of my house at this point but stopped in the middle of the road anyway to get out and look, but there was nothing under the car. I got back in the car and just coasted in netural down the hill to my driveway as it made the noise all the way.
I'm scared to death it could be a turbo, but its dark and raining now so I can't go look at it tonight. any thoughts on this would be great, thanks guys!