For the past month I have had this horrible creaking/ghostly noise coming from the rear driver side wheel well. I had it to my mechanic 2 times. 1st time just to check all the bushing and suspension.

Then week later my wheel bearing went on the driver side wheel. So I took it back and had him install the wheel bearing. I also asked him to check again for the nosie and this time I asked him to look at the spring and shock. I picked it up and he said nothing was wrong.
So today was fed up with the noise and decided to check for myself. What was the first thing I saw the spring rubbing on the shock. Then after looking around I found my spring is totally cracked at the bottom.

So now I am pissed at my mechanic and probably wont go back to him. He had to have seen that replacing the wheel bearing. Pictures below of the damage!!!! Just needed to blow off some steam. Going to try to look for a stock sport suspension.
Anybody lookin to dump a stock sport or non-sport suspension let me know. If it is non-sport just looking for 2 springs.
Broken Spring:
