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  1. #1
    Veteran Member Four Rings m5racer's Avatar
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    2 minior Problems(break light bulb+filling gas) that need fixing

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    alright. so i have to small problems that need fixing which im going to be doing this weekend and jsut want to make sure i get all the approiate parts.

    Problem 1:

    This happened to me a few months ago and im getting sick and tiard and want to get it fixed. it happened randomly after my bulb died. before it died it was fine but then once i replaced it with the proper double flint thingy bulb it does this now. also on random ocasions once every month when i turn the car on i get a rear burnt break light bulb warning. but once i turn the car off and back on again its disapears and doesent return for a while. so i have heard that this could be a grounding issue? but im not sure. if someone could let me know whats wrong and what needs to be done to fix it that would be great!

    Problem 2:

    my second problem is that when ever i go to fill gas i am never able to fill the tank in one shot. after about 5-10 seconds the pump stops as if the tank is full when it really isent. (i can hear the fuel come up as if the tank is full) This happends to me all the time and everytime i try and fill up the tank. at first it happened once and a while but now everytime i try and put gas in it, it does this to me reguardless of what pump im at. I have serched here and read that is it most likly the charcol filter. is this the case? the reason im asking is that i want to amke sure i get the correct part so i can get this fixed with the abundance of other things im doing this weekend.

    All help is apreciated and cherished by me

    Thanks for the help,

    Last edited by m5racer; 04-01-2008 at 09:23 AM.
    01.5 A4 1.8t sport

  2. #2
    Veteran Member Four Rings TQMB5's Avatar
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    Re: 2 minior Problems(break light bulb+filling gas) that need fixing

    to fix the fuel problem, dont stick the nozzle all the way in, put in in 3/4 and let it rest down, so air vent. Hope that makes sense
    ::2002 S6

  3. #3
    Veteran Member Three Rings
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    Re: 2 minior Problems(break light bulb+filling gas) that need fixing

    the fuel problem isnt really a problem....they all do it.
    Buy tools, not labor....

    00 Audi A4, 1.8TQ avant, 6-speed swapped (from auto), s4 brakes, uprights, cluster, grill, OEM bmw style 162 wheels, slammed.
    95 BMW M3 drift car: OBD1 S52, gutted, tubed, flares, angle.

  4. #4
    Veteran Member Four Rings m5racer's Avatar
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    Re: 2 minior Problems(break light bulb+filling gas) that need fixing

    well actually even when i try and jsut stick the nozzle in a little bit it still does it. it has gotten to the point where no matter what i do it clicks after putting like 1-2 L worth of gas. even when the nozzle is barily in and i can see the edge of it it still doesent allow me to fill the tank. so i just need to know what needs to be done so i can get this shit out of the way!
    01.5 A4 1.8t sport


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