I have been keepin a close eye on my boost guage for a couple of days. My car vac reads 20 all the time and when i WOT i notice that my boost go to 15lbs and then its drops to about like 13. I have a GIAC chip and i'm runing the 93 program. I dont know if i have a boost leak somehwre or something.
I have changed my TB boot not to long ago it was ripped (as usual). I wanted to know if anyone else has ever had this problem.. I also noticed when i did a boost leak test that one of my valve cover gaskets is leaking very little.
I'm also going to be doing piggies this weekend.and i was wondering should i take out my cats and run staright pipe or should i gut my cats. I know that i might have a problem with passing inspection but i'm not worried about that..
Any input would be great..