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    Dealership cost for timing belt on 03 audi a4 3.0 V6

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    Hello again,

    I recently hit around 110k miles in my 6 speed a4 V6 and I was looking to get my timing belt changes since it was way overdue. I had read multiple times on audi forums (here, audiworld) that for the v6 a4s it is a $3000 job so when I called the local audi/porsche dealer and they told me $1400 I thoight they were mistaking the labor for a 1.8t a4. So after looking like a cheap ass, they told me that was the correct price. So I dropped my car off 2 days ago and when I it picked up, with taxes I did pay around 1500 for a complete timing belt job with water pump, belts, tensioners etc. It looks like the charged me around $800 for the parts and $600 for the labor. Until yesterday I have always been in dealership stealership hate mode but I for once have to admit that I was satisfied with the service and price. I went early to pick my car up and show her there getting worked on next to a white 911 gt3. Too bad I had no camera with me, I am a big porsche fan. Anywayn so I appoached the mechanic and asked me about the 02 codes I have been getting and he told me that he doubts it is the cats. He said he found a broken manifold hose that was probably making a lean condition that was getting picked up by the sensors periodically. Since he deleted the code and after driving around 200 miles today, I have not seen the code back on.

    Again, I figured this thread could help out people around my area west virginia that might be thinking about getting their timing belts changed and getting quoted $3000. This was bert wolfe porsche audi dealer in charleston, wv.

    Thanks for reading


  2. #2
    Registered Member Four Rings audipotential's Avatar
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    Re: Dealership cost for timing belt on 03 audi a4 3.0 V6

    I dont know how any timing belt could be 3000 dollars lol
    Quote Originally Posted by nikos View Post
    Hello again,

    I recently hit around 110k miles in my 6 speed a4 V6 and I was looking to get my timing belt changes since it was way overdue. I had read multiple times on audi forums (here, audiworld) that for the v6 a4s it is a $3000 job so when I called the local audi/porsche dealer and they told me $1400 I thoight they were mistaking the labor for a 1.8t a4. So after looking like a cheap ass, they told me that was the correct price. So I dropped my car off 2 days ago and when I it picked up, with taxes I did pay around 1500 for a complete timing belt job with water pump, belts, tensioners etc. It looks like the charged me around $800 for the parts and $600 for the labor. Until yesterday I have always been in dealership stealership hate mode but I for once have to admit that I was satisfied with the service and price. I went early to pick my car up and show her there getting worked on next to a white 911 gt3. Too bad I had no camera with me, I am a big porsche fan. Anywayn so I appoached the mechanic and asked me about the 02 codes I have been getting and he told me that he doubts it is the cats. He said he found a broken manifold hose that was probably making a lean condition that was getting picked up by the sensors periodically. Since he deleted the code and after driving around 200 miles today, I have not seen the code back on.

    Again, I figured this thread could help out people around my area west virginia that might be thinking about getting their timing belts changed and getting quoted $3000. This was bert wolfe porsche audi dealer in charleston, wv.

    Thanks for reading


  3. #3
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    Re: Dealership cost for timing belt on 03 audi a4 3.0 V6

    Thanks for wasting my time with a useless post. I meant a $3000 timing belt job.

    I read posts like this one

    ORIGINAL: monty88

    Has any one had this same problem with expensive timing belt replacement?
    I took my 2002 3.0 litre A4 @ 45000kms for normal service with Audi dealer and was told it needed the timing belt replaced as part of the scheduled service. Bought the vehicle new and was running well. Apparently timing belt neeeds to be replaced every 4 years. The service cost was $1,500 and the timing belt replacement cost $2,900+. Total cost $4,400+. Great car but expensive to keep on the road.
    and this one

    ORIGINAL: auditech79

    NO that price is dead on actually.
    You guys have to understand the 3.0L engine is a completely different beast! The 1.8T and 2.8L don't even come close to it as far as difficulty to work on.
    The parts are also much more expensive, an average timing belt job on a 3.0L engine at my old dealer was around $2,600 (with water pump ect) at $130 an hour.
    But your dealer is messing with you, it isn't needed until 80k. DON'T wait until 90k to do it either! I've seen way too many 3.0L engines in my shop with snapped timing belts in the 90k region. That repair with new cylinder heads is well over $10,000.

    and this one

    ORIGINAL: phitau09

    Definitely DID NOT get hosed. Audi Tech is right. The 3.0L is a pain in the ass to change the timing belt on. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY more difficult to service than a 1.8T. That 4k price range is pretty acurate for a 3.0 Audi.
    and a few more I read by reading older threads. So excuse me if I am trying to post some useful information so that future people that are looking for this kind of information do not waste their time reading innacurate information

  4. #4
    Veteran Member Four Rings EBG 18T's Avatar
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    Re: Dealership cost for timing belt on 03 audi a4 3.0 V6

    i have read several times about the dealship charging 3.0 owners $2500-$3300 for timing belts. Most indy shops are in the $1500-$2000 area for the 3.0. sounds like you got a good deal. I bet there was some miscommunication at the dealership when they quoted it. They just charge what ever the computer says.. Nice job non the less.
    2001 A4 1.8TQM (in pieces..)
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  5. #5
    Veteran Member Four Rings skeeball's Avatar
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    Re: Dealership cost for timing belt on 03 audi a4 3.0 V6

    I got mine done for around $1000. Half parts, half labor. $1500 isn't bad for a stealer though.

  6. #6
    Registered Member Two Rings monkey323i's Avatar
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    Re: Dealership cost for timing belt on 03 audi a4 3.0 V6

    whoever say he/she gets $3000+ on AVK 3.0L engine timing belt service.
    Please show the exact dealership and phone number here.

    2nd Gear Member
    -people people dont let auditech79 get you all excited now, he absolutely H-A-T-E-S HATES the 3.0 engine. I called a reputable VW and Audi indy shop here in NYC, brooklyn to be exact, and was quoted around $1100, and thats here in NYC! the shop i believe only deals with VW and Audi's so they would now, they broke down the cost to me bit by bit, through email this was.

    1st Gear Member
    -hey thanks bronxblaza117.. I did the same thing and called a very reputable VW Audi dealer in Indiana. Vordermen Auto Werks to be exact, and their head tech is a German native who came here for the specific reason to work on those vehicles. I got quoted $1200 for timing belt also.


    what is going on.... !!!???
    I just called Canada West Coast's NO.1 reputable Audi dealershop -> Audi Of Richmond Canada.
    The timing belt service will also replace tensioner, water pump etc. for AVK 3.0L engine
    I was quoted $1500 CAD. I also confirmed with him that if this is the FINAL price. He said yes.

    Audi of Richmond 5680 Parkwood Way
    Richmond, BC V6V 2M4 Canada
    Phone: (604) 273-3922

    full details click here:

  7. #7
    Established Member Two Rings shedpress's Avatar
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    Re: Dealership cost for timing belt on 03 audi a4 3.0 V6

    Good to know. I should probably get this done rather soon. What's the interval on this job? I've read some conflicting numbers. I'm at 62k right now (bought it used with 60k on it).
    :: brian@shedpress ::

  8. #8
    Established Member Two Rings gotquattro's Avatar
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    Re: Dealership cost for timing belt on 03 audi a4 3.0 V6

    The Bentley says ~105,000 miles.

    Common practice dictates 70,000 to 90,000 miles

    I'm just over 75K, and have the parts to do it myself, soon as I get myself over having to pay ~$200US for the cam lock tools...
    Got Quattro?
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  9. #9
    Registered Member Two Rings monkey323i's Avatar
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    Re: Dealership cost for timing belt on 03 audi a4 3.0 V6


    the parts from Dealer is less than $800 bucks.
    this INCLUDES:
    -Timing belt
    - 3 tensioners/idlers
    - water pump
    - coolant

    NOT only from BentlyManual stated AVK-3.0 engine requies 7 hrs of labour,
    but so many of other ppl already GOT this job done for $1300-1600 USD at
    Dealership on AVK-3.0 (one dearlership done this job UNDER 6 hours. labour $629 USD - Audi Sewickley, PA)

    Total = 620 (labour) + 579 (part) + 84 (tax) = $1283
    search around and you can pull this post out as well.

    That 4k price range is pretty acurate for a 3.0 Audi.

    Give me the EXACT name of that Audi Dealership that does this job
    for 4k price before providng people here such a inaccurate information.

    If you can't even provide any dealership that does this for 4k price...


    I know u write a lot of post here.
    Please, from now on correct your information on misleading people that
    AVK 3.0 is $2600 USD+ or sth like "You will never find any dealershop that does
    this under $2000 USD". This really scares a lot of newcomers.

    Thank you.

  10. #10
    Established Member Two Rings bavaria75's Avatar
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    Re: Dealership cost for timing belt on 03 audi a4 3.0 V6

    I just got it done 2 weeks ago. Car was at 94K miles with the first belt.

    Got the parts at ECS tuning with Belt, Waterpump, Tensioner, new valve and cam seals total ~600 USD
    Did it DIY what is ok if you got the right special tools (Valve Shaft clamp and Cam shaft bolt) what I had from a Audi mechanic.
    good 8-12 hours of my time and done.
    So a 1500 at the dealer is ok considering the time it takes to do the job.
    2002 A4 3.0 Quattro Manual

  11. #11
    Registered Member Two Rings monkey323i's Avatar
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    Re: Dealership cost for timing belt on 03 audi a4 3.0 V6

    Quote Originally Posted by bavaria75 View Post
    I just got it done 2 weeks ago. Car was at 94K miles with the first belt.

    Got the parts at ECS tuning with Belt, Waterpump, Tensioner, new valve and cam seals total ~600 USD
    Did it DIY what is ok if you got the right special tools (Valve Shaft clamp and Cam shaft bolt) what I had from a Audi mechanic.
    good 8-12 hours of my time and done.
    So a 1500 at the dealer is ok considering the time it takes to do the job.
    did you reset the correct timing with VAG-COM after putting on belt and tensioners/rollers?

  12. #12
    Established Member Two Rings bavaria75's Avatar
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    Re: Dealership cost for timing belt on 03 audi a4 3.0 V6

    No vagcom reset needed to my knowledge. I just assured the belt and tension is according to the audi handbook also given to me by my friend. As you fix all timing related pulleys, I don's see how a VagCom would be needed? Hope I didn't miss it. But car is running fine, power and mpg is as before.
    2002 A4 3.0 Quattro Manual

  13. #13
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    dealership charged me 1700$ for parts+labor in new york....

  14. #14
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    No such thing as a dealership when u talk about Labor work and especially the dreaded timing belt. DONT GO TO THE STEALERSHIP

  15. #15
    Veteran Member Four Rings imnuts's Avatar
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    I was quoted ~$2000 for the timing belt job on my 3.0 last summer when I got it done. I had a bunch of other stuff done though at the same time, so I'd have to go look to see what the cost was of just the timing belt job. If you're getting charged 3-4k for the job, you may want to consider going somewhere else for all service as that is a huge ripoff, not that going to the dealer isn't one already in most cases.

  16. #16
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    Got mine done at an indy shop in Denver for $950.

  17. #17
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    The indy shop I'm at in Parker, CO charged approx 1500.00 (3.0 avk) of which 650.00 is labor (calls for 6.4 hours) and the rest is tensioner, pulleys, belt, valve cover gaskets, coolant and flush. And we are one of the more pricey shops in town. But the tech didn't use the cam/crank tools when removing the belt, the cams spun under their high tension (he says they didn't but there is no compression in 2 cylinders) and bent valves in cyl 2 and 5. Now it's up to me to pull the heads so we can send them to the machine shop. It is gonna cost the shop at least a week of a rental car, the 20 hours minimum it calls for to pay me, plus all the extra stuff needed to do the head gaskets and the customer is now paying nothing... Ouch! If you have a shop you normally take your car to be sure the tech knows how exact you have to be with these.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Acurate Group View Post
    The indy shop I'm at in Parker, CO charged approx 1500.00 (3.0 avk) of which 650.00 is labor (calls for 6.4 hours) and the rest is tensioner, pulleys, belt, valve cover gaskets, coolant and flush. And we are one of the more pricey shops in town. But the tech didn't use the cam/crank tools when removing the belt, the cams spun under their high tension (he says they didn't but there is no compression in 2 cylinders) and bent valves in cyl 2 and 5. Now it's up to me to pull the heads so we can send them to the machine shop. It is gonna cost the shop at least a week of a rental car, the 20 hours minimum it calls for to pay me, plus all the extra stuff needed to do the head gaskets and the customer is now paying nothing... Ouch! If you have a shop you normally take your car to be sure the tech knows how exact you have to be with these.
    No offense intended to those that DIY or go to indy's, but this is why you pay a premium for dealership work. Now "Acurate Group" has to pay for additional work on top of the reduced job. If anything were to happen due to incorrect repairs, dealership or reputable places would eat the cost. Just saying when you're liable for providing correct services and do this for a living, there's going to be a higher price associated for "what ifs".
    - JoJo

  19. #19
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    yea they quoted me in md, about 1600-1800 for the timing job. if you take it to the dealer they clean the car on the inside and outside but it doesnt really make up for the uber huge price.

  20. #20
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    I was quoted $1,500 from VW/Audi shop, $1,800 from dealer, and $2,000 from a Mercedes / Audi shop all in the Boston area. The Audi-trained mechanic at the highest quote said the 3.0's are more difficult than the others (and maybe that is why his quote was so high). I went with the lowest bid as they had a good reputation. In the end, they added a Serpentine tensioner and set of plugs and now was about $1800. My experience was mixed and my have just been a fluke. They couldn't get the car to run right and had it for several days. In the end they said it was because they didn't disconnect the battery long enough to let the capacitors to the computer reset fully. Then I had to bring it back a few weeks later with a leaking Cam seal. So they had it about 10 days in total and took it apart all the way at least three times. I know they are not happy and I wasn't very happy either. Should I have just have gone to the dealer? Not sure.

    BTW: This is a 2005 A4 3.0 with 80k miles on it.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by kwan View Post
    No offense intended to those that DIY or go to indy's, but this is why you pay a premium for dealership work. Now "Acurate Group" has to pay for additional work on top of the reduced job. If anything were to happen due to incorrect repairs, dealership or reputable places would eat the cost. Just saying when you're liable for providing correct services and do this for a living, there's going to be a higher price associated for "what ifs".
    Since this thread is back from the dead....

    Since when do dealers own up to their mistakes? Typically they seem to point blame on you, the owner, when something goes wrong and will do what they can to not pay for repairs made due to their negligence.

    This is not the case for all dealers, but suggesting that the dealer is the best option is quite absurd.

  22. #22
    Established Member Two Rings chokung's Avatar
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    (I know this is an old thread, but I will travel for the spring break and I have a whole week not using a car, so I'm thinking about doing a Timing belt at some place during next week)
    So, if the Dealer in Allentown quote the timing belt job for 1900+tax is normal, Am I right?
    (as of yesterday)
    They mention that it will include: timing belt, tensioner roller, idler roller, serpentine belt, water pump, and thermostat, changing coolant and valve cover gasket. (this is not include the serpentine belt tensioner though)

    Another place in Allentown, (look like an indy shop, they service Audi, VW, BMW, Benz) quote me 1750 for the same job.

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    Quote Originally Posted by chokung View Post
    (I know this is an old thread, but I will travel for the spring break and I have a whole week not using a car, so I'm thinking about doing a Timing belt at some place during next week)
    So, if the Dealer in Allentown quote the timing belt job for 1900+tax is normal, Am I right?
    (as of yesterday)
    They mention that it will include: timing belt, tensioner roller, idler roller, serpentine belt, water pump, and thermostat, changing coolant and valve cover gasket. (this is not include the serpentine belt tensioner though)

    Another place in Allentown, (look like an indy shop, they service Audi, VW, BMW, Benz) quote me 1750 for the same job.
    Well, so yes, it's an old thread but the problem is not old, it continues. I am new to this forum so I don't know protocol, but I'll share what I got yesterday (May May 4) from both an Audi dealer and an Independent.

    Rockville Audi -Porsche of Rockville, MD, quoted $2,900.
    GP Auto Group (formerly Montrose Pro and still uses that as their Web URL) quoted a little under $1,500.

    But Rockville Audi was adamant that for the 3.0L V6 a new belt is not needed until 105K. He told me the age was OK right now too, i.e., 8 years on....fingers are crossed that he's right. For what it's worth.

  24. #24
    Veteran Member Four Rings JEENYUS's Avatar
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    got mine done for just under 800.00

    you got jipped.
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  25. #25
    Veteran Member Three Rings AvantinUSP's Avatar
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    friend at dealer says the time for work in the computer is 9hrs and parts is $1200 retail for all the bells and whistles. So at least $2k is about dealer retail.

    Quote Originally Posted by JEENYUS View Post
    got mine done for just under 800.00

    you got jipped.
    Damn you got a good deal. I got mine done for 1k with the homie discount.

  26. #26
    Veteran Member Four Rings JEENYUS's Avatar
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    yeah, but that was pretty much service alone. i had to buy the kit... i think i got it for about 200.00 or so. i would have to check. i still dont see why they sell the thermostat with the TB kit though... such a different area and not in line with the TB job at all.
    Asses are where it's at. even fat chicks can have nice boobs. -MmmBoost

  27. #27
    Established Member Two Rings rbfboy's Avatar
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    I dont have an A4 but my 1.8T timing belt, wter pump and tensioners came to $779 out the door at a local ind audi guy. changed at 9 years/70,000 miles, the plastic fan on the OEM water pump cracked (who knows how long ago it cracked off) and he replaced it with a german made water pump with metal fan. he also custom fit my downpipe. awesome.
    2002 TT quattro coupe 225hp 6-speed

    APR 93 octane ECU chip, APR R1 diverter valve, modshack VDTA, 42 Draft Designs 3" downpipe, Eibach springs + Bilsteins

    Fall 2011: 42 Draft Designs cat-back exhaust or FMIC?

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    Established Member Two Rings wheelmanbg's Avatar
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    I think I got quoted $1600 at an Audi dealer and $1100 at an indie. I had a buddy help me do it and it cost me about $600 (including fixing the radiator after I poked a hole in it)

    BTW, you don't NEED the cam lock tools. I didn't use them.

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    My 03 A4 3.0 is at 108k and still running the stock timing belt, I am scared as hell about it breaking and was going to have it done but my car got beat to shit over the winter being lowered among other reasons. It snapped the serp belt an hour from home (good 70 miles) so I had no choice but to have AAA tow it to some shitty local garage which charged me $25 a day for storage fees, which means it sat in a muddy lot surrounded by a wooden fence that I was considering just cutting down with my Sawzall and driving my car out of there but I really don't need legal issues right now. Anyway I rented a Uhaul car trailer for $55 and my buddy who owns a Tundra went down to rescue it and towed it back to my local shop, paying $55 for the trailer and giving him $50 for gas sure beat the $250-300 it would have cost to tow it back, not to mention the fucking retarded ass $175 I had to pay for absolutely FUCKING NOTHING, sorry but that just really pisses me off and on top of that the guys at the garage were complete aholes, I had to walk outside to avoid losing it and let me friend deal with it.

    I have now not had my car for 2 months, and its FUCKING KILLING me, this is mainly because I have not had enough $ (unemployed ATM) to pay for all the repairs it needs to to be running correctly again. But I finally got enough $ together to purchase 4 new summer tires, since 2 of my old summer tires blew out last Oct hitting a manhole that was sticking up above the pavement a good 4 inches and of course some jackass failed to spray it orange or cover with a cone, AND to top it off I was actually avoiding another one that was marked when I hit this and blew out 2 tires. I had my winter steelies and tires thrown on but of course I had to nail a curb over the winter while avoiding some jackass who was about to slide into the side of my car while on an icy road. Among other things the power steering pump went again this winter, the stock plastic belly pan got ripped to shreds on snow and ice, the rear 02 sensor is gone and throwing a MIL, a fuel line got ripped out from the underside of the car, has a mystery oil leak that may be coming from the steering rack, blah blah.

    Bottom line and what does this have to do with the timing belt, well I was all ready to get it replaced until winter happened and ruined my car, I was almost ready to just say fuck it and sell the thing for dirt cheap but for some reason I of course cant because I have sunk so much $ into mods on the thing. But when I got quotes for the t-belt I called about 10 different shops, dealers, small shops and large shops and got quotes ranging from $2,200 from the dealer, oh and that was with a "discount" to $1,000 from a smaller shop who prob quoted me for the 1.8T my mistake, it seemed the average cost for parts/labor was $1,500-1800. Thankfully I found a new shopped right down the street from me who has been great to myself and my Audi and they quoted me $1,100 for all parts and labor and that includes things like a new valve cover gasket as well. I wont be able to get it done until mid summer now due to all the repairs my car needs but I am going to try to drive it short distances and only when necessary, not like it matters when the car is at 108k, it is like a time bomb and could go at any time without warning. If it does then I am done with this POS, I never should have lowered the car, esp. with New England winters but that is another discussion. Bottom line you didn't get the deal of the century but you didn't get raped on the price either.
    Looking for a good shop north of Boston, call Eurosport Performance

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    Established Member Two Rings wheelmanbg's Avatar
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    Dude I have the stock sport suspension and my plastic belly pan got ripped to shreds so don't feel bad. I thought about going with an aluminum one but just replaced it with another stock one for now

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by wheelmanbg View Post
    Dude I have the stock sport suspension and my plastic belly pan got ripped to shreds so don't feel bad. I thought about going with an aluminum one but just replaced it with another stock one for now
    Yeah it is a POS, I just ripped it all out for now, am getting whatever damage was done to the fuel line and anything else under the car repaired and then before next winter comes I am definitely going to purchase an aluminum skidplate or have one custom made that will actually protect the underside of the car and oil pan as well. Just so much has been wrong with my car lately and I have not had it for so long I have been on the verge of saying fuck it and getting rid of it, but I just cannot do it.
    Looking for a good shop north of Boston, call Eurosport Performance

  32. #32
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    I was quoted $2800 by Chantilly Audi, Chantilly, VA. Labor stated as 14+ hours.
    Quoted $2700-2900 by Waterloo Motors, Warrenton, VA. Labor stated as 16 hours.

    Mike B

  33. #33
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    Bought an 02 A4 3.0 with a failed timing belt and rebuilt it for less than several timing belt quotes.
    If you have the cam locking tool and a torque wrench accurate around 10# the job isn't much more difficult than a 1.8t.
    The valves, liters, springs, retainers and collars are the same.
    Not having to deal with timing chain, tensioner might make the 3.0 easier to deal with.

  34. #34
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    North Andover, MA

    2003 A4 3.0 Quattro Avant: I had my T-Belt replaced at an indy shop at 98K miles. Now, at 140K, something failed. I disassembled the front of the engine far enough to find ball bearings lying around. The T-Belt tensioner and upper relay roller spit out all of their bearings. The water pump pulley & shaft are flopping around. The T-Belt is intact but loose, obviously. The indy shop checked it out and said it acts like there are some bent valves.

    I'll fix it myself. Can anyone recommend the best way to confirm the bent valves? I'm considering either (1) replace all of the pulleys/tensioners, water pump, T-Belt, etc. so I can crank the engine to do a compression test or (2) remove the camshafts from the heads so I can pump pressure into the cylinders and check the leak-down rate. Anyone done that? I really want to avoid pulling the heads.



  35. #35
    Established Member Two Rings
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    Sep 15 2010
    AZ Member #

    140k I would recommend just pulling the heads.
    The car I bought with similar mileage had what looked like black sand in the oil pan that was causing oil starvation in the heads.
    Pulling the heads is a big job but the hardest part for me was disconnecting the exhaust from the manifold.The trick is removing the bolts from the side.
    If you decide to do the work let me know and I will look up the guy I got head gaskets and head bolts from.The guy is in PA and sells Elring for a great price.
    I have spare valves, lifters and intake parts if you wind up needing anything.


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