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  1. #1
    Veteran Member Four Rings T0M3K's Avatar
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    Some Questions Regarding 3.0

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    1. Seafoaming.
    Did anybody did that on 3.0? I was thinking of getting a can of that and trying to use it on V6, but not sure even how to approach the problem.
    2. Oil
    So far I did oil change at Strauss and used w/e they recommended, but since I completely lost trust for them I rather do it myself or go to the shop that has a lift, but what's the best all around oil? (I change it often, 3-5k miles, screw 10k recommended)
    3. Air box crack
    There is a decent size crack in the airbox, few centimeters below filter, behind the headlight, can it affect performance or worse, damage the engine, what's the best way to fix it (w/o replacing airbox)
    4. Supercharger
    I was so into that and almost bought it, but now I read about blown engines and stuff, got me scared off. So for S/C I guess in addition to blower I need to get better injectors?
    5. Some terms
    Wideband sensor, is it just for better readings or it actually helps with idle problems with S/C?
    WOT, wide open throttle? Does it mean I floor the pedal or when engine uses strongest mixture?
    Run Lean/Rich, rich means lots of air or fuel in the ration?
    MAF, what does it actually measure

    Sorry for so much stuff, but these things were bothering me for a while

  2. #2
    Veteran Member Four Rings
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    Re: Some Questions Regarding 3.0

    1. Not yet, but I will on this oil as I need to change it (probably end of summer). My plan is to put some in crank-case and gas tank. Don't think I'll worry about intake manifold.

    2. I use Elf 5w40, which is really good, but probably overkill for NA 3.0

    3. Probably not a big deal if it's on atmosphere side of filter. If its engine side of filter, more problematic. Either way, I'd guess duct tape should be fine.

    4. I'd hold off on SC until new tuning becomes available.

    5. I believe it just offers more accurate readings for A/F. Won't affect performance at all as it's not integrated into ECU. Just a more direct way to be sure A/F is what ECU is reading.
    Lean is too much air (or not enough fuel). Rich is obviously the reverse.
    AFAIK, MAF just measures velocity of air entering and uses that to calculate the volume
    WOT is just open loop, but someone else will have to explain it. I think it just means it does not rely on O2 sensor readings to obtain A/F, but I'm not positive.

  3. #3
    Veteran Member Four Rings 3ohAvant's Avatar
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    Re: Some Questions Regarding 3.0

    Similar answer.

    Not yet. I did it to my truck. It was lots smoother, and I got some power back. I did about 2/3 though a vac line, and 1/3 in the oil. None in the gas. I ran a separate fuel cleaner.

    I would have used 5-40 elf, we use it in our slightly tuned 1.8t. I went with a "new" oil. Total INEO MC3 5-30. So far I like it as much as I liked the OG Green GC. I think in our cars, a heavy 30 is more than enough. No need for a 40,even if its a thin one, like M1.

    Your air filter is just fine.

    Wideband, its just for tuning. You use the data to help you set your various fuel maps.
    Last edited by 3ohAvant; 04-01-2008 at 01:22 AM.
    - Benny

  4. #4
    Veteran Member Three Rings Ultra B6's Avatar
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    Re: Some Questions Regarding 3.0

    im also trying to seafoam my 3.0 but cant seem to find the vac line to use i looked under the cover by the throttle body and couldnt figure out which one to use.
    04 Dolphin A4 USP CLUB MEMBER #84 3.0 QUATTRO TIP


  5. #5
    Established Member Two Rings
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    Re: Some Questions Regarding 3.0

    I seafoamed my crankcase and gas tank, made absolutely no difference. I guess my engine was clean still...

  6. #6
    Veteran Member Four Rings skeeball's Avatar
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    Re: Some Questions Regarding 3.0

    1) I've done gas tank, but not crankcase.
    2) I use German Castrol in the winter. Switching to Mobile 1 10w-40 HiMi for the summer.
    3) Tyler covered this one well.
    4) Not to tempt you. Tune should be imminent if my old suspension moves this week.
    5) Tyler's post covers this one too.


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