1. Seafoaming.
Did anybody did that on 3.0? I was thinking of getting a can of that and trying to use it on V6, but not sure even how to approach the problem.
2. Oil
So far I did oil change at Strauss and used w/e they recommended, but since I completely lost trust for them I rather do it myself or go to the shop that has a lift, but what's the best all around oil? (I change it often, 3-5k miles, screw 10k recommended)
3. Air box crack
There is a decent size crack in the airbox, few centimeters below filter, behind the headlight, can it affect performance or worse, damage the engine, what's the best way to fix it (w/o replacing airbox)
4. Supercharger
I was so into that and almost bought it, but now I read about blown engines and stuff, got me scared off. So for S/C I guess in addition to blower I need to get better injectors?
5. Some terms
Wideband sensor, is it just for better readings or it actually helps with idle problems with S/C?
WOT, wide open throttle? Does it mean I floor the pedal or when engine uses strongest mixture?
Run Lean/Rich, rich means lots of air or fuel in the ration?
MAF, what does it actually measure
Sorry for so much stuff, but these things were bothering me for a while