We changed the timing belt on my 2000 Audi A4 1.8T and I drove about 100 miles and got a CEL. I had it scanned and it pulled:
17545- P1137
Long Term Fuel Trim Add.Fuel,Bank1 System too Rich
Everything I read says its the MAF or torn vac line from the intake manifold to the DV. (which I cannot even see a line going from it to the IM) Not sure how that could happen since we didn't even touch the MAF during the install. Any other possibilities or suggestions? I was tried to clean the MAF, do the TBA with the VAG COM and clear the code and it came back in about 20 miles.
Here is what we replaced:
Timing Belt, Spark Plugs, Coolant Temp Sensor, Waterpump, Thermostat.
Any ideas or suggestions? Does anyone have a vacuum diagram for an ATW engine?