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  1. #1
    Veteran Member Three Rings okkim's Avatar
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    SPEC twin disc clutch

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    Has anyone any more info of the SPEC twin disc clutch than in their web-page?

    I would like to see photos of it, and know what kind of materials the discs are.

    Anyone using it here already?

  2. #2
    Veteran Member Four Rings espo4442's Avatar
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    Re: SPEC twin disc clutch

    Honestly I would personally stay away from Spec. I got a spec in my car and it immediately had problems with it making all kinda of weird noises. Stay with southbend or other companies
    2010 Brilliant Black/Magma Red S4

  3. #3
    Established Member Two Rings DAP's Avatar
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    Re: SPEC twin disc clutch

    FWIW, I recently put a SPEC Stage 3+ (single disc, not twin) in my car and I'm VERY pleased with it.

    Give SPEC a call and discuss it with them... they were very helpful to me.

  4. #4
    Veteran Member Four Rings espo4442's Avatar
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    Re: SPEC twin disc clutch

    Quote Originally Posted by DAP View Post
    FWIW, I recently put a SPEC Stage 3+ (single disc, not twin) in my car and I'm VERY pleased with it.

    Give SPEC a call and discuss it with them... they were very helpful to me.
    From what I understand there was apparently a bad batch of clutches from spec. iirc this was on a a4.
    2010 Brilliant Black/Magma Red S4

  5. #5
    Veteran Member Three Rings Dowskeet's Avatar
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    Re: SPEC twin disc clutch

    Why does everyone talk about "bad batches" of clutches or products from manufacturers? This is usually never the case and its mostly the fault of the installer and not the manufacturer. I have had spec of my previous VW's and had no issues at all with them. Proper break in and installation is key.

    Now I am not saying that sometimes products do have issues with them but SPEC stands behind their products, and if you go with a reputable vendor then everything will be taken care of. But those "examples" are few and far between.

    Regardless of opinions there are quite a few companies that make great products for our cars and SPEC is defiantly one of them.

    OP - How is the pedal feel with the stage III+? I had a stage III on my mark IV gti and I thought it had an almost OEM feel.

    Is there any information about the twin disc setup??


  6. #6
    Veteran Member Four Rings espo4442's Avatar
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    Re: SPEC twin disc clutch

    Look up reviews on spec clutches, for awhile it seems like not too many people were happy with their product. I did proper break in, and rarely ever got on it and it still sucked

    BTW there are plenty if incidents in which there are "Bad Batches” and it has nothing to do with installation.
    Last edited by espo4442; 03-27-2008 at 09:44 AM.
    2010 Brilliant Black/Magma Red S4

  7. #7
    Established Member Two Rings DAP's Avatar
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    Re: SPEC twin disc clutch

    Quote Originally Posted by Dowskeet View Post
    OP - How is the pedal feel with the stage III+? I had a stage III on my mark IV gti and I thought it had an almost OEM feel.
    The pedal feel on the SPEC Stage 3+ is good. It feels slightly softer than the RS4 clutch I had previously. Engagement is positive and solid without being overly grabby. It has a little bit of shudder when starting from a dead stop if you don't give it enough throttle, but other than that, its OEM smooth.

  8. #8
    Senior Member Three Rings gaspeedracer's Avatar
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    Re: SPEC twin disc clutch

    Quote Originally Posted by DAP View Post
    The pedal feel on the SPEC Stage 3+ is good. It feels slightly softer than the RS4 clutch I had previously. Engagement is positive and solid without being overly grabby. It has a little bit of shudder when starting from a dead stop if you don't give it enough throttle, but other than that, its OEM smooth.

    how many miles do you have on yours and about how long are their stage 3 clutches assumed to last with daily driving?
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  9. #9
    Active Member Four Rings DxC's Avatar
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    Re: SPEC twin disc clutch

    im also leaning towards the SPEC stage 3+. its interesting that its more expensive than both a stage 4 and stage 5 clutch ... but from reading its description, and DAPs review on it ... im leaning towards it. i hope it works fine with a LW flywheel
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