Audizine is one of the most active and longest running auto enthusiast sites on the web and therefore a big target for Spam Bots, Scammers, and Trolls. In lieu of this, to help weed out the bad from the legit, we require a few steps for our members to complete before gaining full access to the website. We understand these speedbumps may be a tad frustrating but it's for the safety of the entire Audizine Community, both old and new.

The first step, and most common to all forms of social media, is to verify your email.

Your "Welcome/Account Activation" email should arrive within a few minutes of completing the registration process. Sometimes though these automated emails get caught by the spam/bulk mail filters and get thrown into either a Junk Mail Folder or the Trash. If you don't see it in your Inbox, please be sure to check your Junk/Trash for an email from Audizine, and if it is in there please mark it as "good" and move it into your Inbox.

Some mail servers have extremely strict filters and our automated emails won't even make it to you at all. If that happens to you then please send an email to [email protected]. We check our email often and one of the Administrators will be sure to handle your issue as promptly as possible.

The final step we ask of you is to visit and post in the thread titled "New Members MUST post here before being allowed to post elsewhere" located within the "New Member Introduction to Audizine" Forum.

Once you post in there, your account will get bumped from 'New/Lurker' to 'Registered Member' within one hour, giving you expanded account privileges such as a larger PM (Private Message) box and Image Gallery storage space. More about account levels and benefits can be found here:

Thank you very much for taking the time to verify you are indeed a real person! We do apologize for any delay you might be experiencing with joining our Community, but we believe that little bit of extra time and effort will make our Community a much better and more enjoyable place in the long term.