View Full Version : How do you appease the mod gods?

09-30-2006, 01:26 PM
by bleeding like a stuck pig of course.
Well, at least one byproduct of this whole BT adventure for me is that my hands look like hamburger meat. I can't wash my hands w/o pain. I especially love it when I use the "gojo" hand cleaner....mmmmmm pumice on open cuts![;)]

09-30-2006, 01:28 PM
My hands were so cut up after my BT install it was terrible. Probably should have worn gloves now that I look back haha. They didn't come clean for 2 days, couldn't scrub them too much cause there were so many cuts

09-30-2006, 02:00 PM
Spray some Degreaser such as simple green or even Industrial purple on that gunk before anything. Then rinse it out with water. Then....[wrench]
and [drive]
and [race]

09-30-2006, 02:06 PM
Originally posted by killa
Spray some Degreaser such as simple green or even Industrial purple on that gunk before anything. Then rinse it out with water. Then....[wrench]
and [drive]
and [race]

hahaha...thanks...I wish I had a pic of when I cut my thumbnail in 1/2. I superglued that beotch! and kept [wrench] 'ing.


09-30-2006, 02:41 PM

But that would just fit in my gallery.

I have cuts from the beggining of my first attmepted tb and turbo install over a month ago, i had to hide my hands at job interviews!

but yea join the club man, at least your BT

09-30-2006, 09:43 PM
I get more blood on my garage floor than oil. Its all worth it though, i find it so much more satisfying when i pour blood, sweat, and tears into a repair/mod than if I have someone else do it. I dont know how some guys have a shop do all their work for them and then have pride over it. i ask guys all the time if they do their own work and if they say no then Im not usually very impressed with their car. my car may not be the fastest or prettyest car around but I love it and have more pride than anyone else cuz I did it.